Enhancing TRE® for Providers

Integration Within

- Self and Community -


Registration now closed 


Online Live Event on Zoom

Saturday to Monday

October 14th to 16th, 2023 


8:00am to 2:00pm Pacific Time
11:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time
5:00pm to 11:00pm Central European Time
with a one-hour break each day

Presentations, explorations, TRE® sessions and more with

our Guest Speakers

Joan McDonald


  Mariano Pedroza

David Berceli

Canadian TRE® Certification Trainers

organizers of the event

Sarah Ronhovde

Wendy Morley

Sara Clark

Carolyn Hapgood

Featured presentations

October 14th

8:30am PST / 11:30am EST / 5:30pm CET

Let’s Integrate Integration !

with Joan McDonald
Registered Social Worker 
Co-founder of TRE® Canada 

TRE® Certification Trainer and Trainer of Certification Trainers 
Humanitarian TRE® in Asia

It is exciting that the concept of Integration is the theme for our time together. Why ? We rarely talk or directly teach about the powerful impact integration plays in the healing power of TRE.

In this session, Joan will lead a collective exploration of a commonly stated phrase used in our community, “Now we will take a few minutes to rest and integrate”. What does integrate mean in the context of a tremoring practice ? What does it mean for those providing TRE ? In exploring these two questions, Joan will share her experiences and draw on the results of a survey of providers and trainers on Integration and TRE. She will also provide first hand experience through leading a tremor session with a focus on developing awareness of your own integrative process. 
All subsequent sessions will bring greater clarity, provide a deepened understanding, and share applications of the integration process.

October 14th

12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST / 9:00pm CET

Interventions for Integration

with Sarah Ronhovde
TRE® Certification Trainer
 with Biopyschosocial Approach

When working with TRE, everything you say and do as a provider is an intervention. The reality is You ARE the intervention. What does that mean ? How do you best apply this context when leading TRE ?
When does an intervention need to be performed ? How confident do you feel in articulating WHY you are doing an intervention ? When is your presence alone [as an intervention], enough to have a therapeutic effect ?
In this workshop, Sarah will help you move beyond Principles of Interventions into performing Intentional Interventions, building on our common training and your own experience. With concrete hands-on practice, we will strengthen, expand, & deepen your use of interventions, discovering how, why, & when to use the interventions available to you. Incorporating applicable theory, interactive group work, and open dialogue questions, we will expand your interventions toolbox and your ability to confidently embody the therapeutic presence that you truly are !

October 15th

8:00am PST / 11:00am EST / 5:00pm CET

Community-Based TRE® Integration 

with Mariano Pedroza
TRE® Certification Trainer
Bioenergetic Analysis, 
Somatic Experiencing and
Integrative Community Therapy Practitioner 


Watch Mariano's Full Interview
October 15th

12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST / 9:00pm CET

Transference & Coutertransference :

Impacts on the Integration Process 

 Sara Clark
TRE® Certification Trainer
Social Worker
Art Therapist
 Wendy Morley
TRE® Certification Trainer
CranioSacral & SomatoEmotional Release Therapist
Carolyn Hapgood
Canadian Certified Counsellor
TRE® Certification Trainer Trainee
Yoga Therapist
Neurogenic Yoga® Practitioner

In this session, Sara, Wendy and Carolyn will expand upon Transference and Countertransference within the TRE process.  We will explore examples of how these concepts present themselves and providers will be encouraged to reflect on their own experiences.  
We will explore the positive effect that is possible, when TRE providers are regulated, present, embodied, grounded, and aware, on the dynamic flow of resonation between provider and participant(s).  If safety can be established, Transference/Countertransference can possibly be an opportunity and utilized to deepen the practice, enhancing further integration. 
Discussion and practical application will provide the opportunity for participants of this session to increase confidence and competence to skillfully handle these occurrences and use them for further integration for all involved.

 October 16th

12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST / 9:00pm CET

A Life-Long Perspective on Integration & the Future of TRE®

with David Berceli
Founder of TRE®
PhD in Social Work
Traumatologist and Neurotherapist 

To embark on the profound voyage of self-integration is to forge a deep connection with our inner selves. It is an intimate exploration of our beliefs, values, strengths, and vulnerabilities. It requires courage to confront our shadows and acknowledge the flawed and imperfect parts of ourselves. Through this process, we navigate the labyrinth of our own psyche, unearthing hidden treasures and reclaiming fragments of our true essence.

The human journey towards wisdom, kindness, and integrity resides in the life-long process of self-integration. As we know, the multitude experiences of life often drown out the quiet voice within. This disturbs our inner harmony which is the only place from which we can speak with authenticity. When we are not connected to our own inner harmony, we perceive and experience life with a subtle underlying fear. In brief, deepening our own self-integration is the only way to contribute to the future of TRE. I will share my fantasies of the many exciting, diverse, and creative possibilities for the future growth of a TRE community of people who dared themselves to explore the depths of their humanity through their process of self-integration.


✔︎ At least one TRE® session per day

✔︎ Breakout room activities to connect with your peers

✔︎ Q&A sessions ....

Registration now closed 

  • This event is open to Certified TRE Providers only
  • The Zoom link will be emailed to you  at least three hours before the event
  • This is a Live event - no recording 

Questions ? Contact us at

[email protected]


Cancellation Policy 


✔︎ Up to thirty days before the event (September 15, 2023) : full refund minus $60 CAD for administration fees

✔︎ Twenty-nine days and less to the event, there will be no refunds (From September 16, 2023) 

We're counting down the days ! 😊









Questions ? Contact us at [email protected]


Full Interview

Community-Based TRE® Integration 

with Mariano Pedroza
TRE® Certification Trainer
Bioenergetic Analysis, 
Somatic Experiencing and
Integrative Community Therapy Practitioner